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Credible Actions and Global Solutions
In the face of critical global challenges, such as pollution, resource scarcity and climate change, we are actively committed to making a difference. We have taken a proactive stance toward environmental issues, consistently evolving our approach to enhance our initiatives. Our Board plays a pivotal role by overseeing our sustainability and risk management strategy, including our environmental initiatives. Our operations and facilities are subject to many federal, state, local and foreign environmental laws and regulations. We proactively monitor relevant environmental laws and regulations that impact or have the potential to affect our business, including our operating units.
Our Stewardship
Our corporate-wide environmental policy serves as our guiding framework for addressing critical environmental issues, such as energy consumption, GHG emissions management, water conservation, energy efficiency and management of waste and hazardous materials. We continue to prioritize initiatives aimed at reducing our energy consumption and emissions. We have an established science-aligned GHG emissions target to reduce our absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by at least 50%. Looking ahead, we plan to continue focusing on energy-efficient solutions and other environmental initiatives, prioritizing technological feasibility, economic viability and industry best practices. As part of their regular business operations, our operating units have consistently integrated sustainability initiatives into their productivity decisions. Additionally, TransDigm has made substantial investments in efficiency initiatives across our operating units, with a particular focus on improving energy efficiency. Recent operating unit and TransDigm-funded projects include solar panel installations, LED lighting upgrades, HVAC system replacements and other energy conservation upgrades. TransDigm is committed to assisting our operating units as they work to reduce their emissions and minimize their environmental footprints. Looking into 2025, multiple operating units have energy conservation projects planned or already in the works.
Efforts to Reduce Energy Usage
Many of our facilities have replaced heating and/or air conditioning units with higher efficiency units and installed air compressor systems, as well as energy efficient manufacturing equipment. Some of our facilities have also installed energy efficient windows, stucco coatings, improved insulation and/or programmable thermostats to reduce heating/cooling costs.
The vast majority of our operating units use motion-sensing LED lights to reduce energy usage. Our operating units use a variety of renewable energy sources including hydropower, solar, nuclear, and wind power. We also employ shutdown procedures for portions of facilities in low occupancy or usage areas, reduce the number of work shifts, and conduct energy audits to identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption.
Company-Wide Efforts to Reduce Energy and Water Usage

Use Low-Phosphorus Detergent

Separate Oil & Water to Eliminate Oil Waste

Deploy Activated Carbon Filtration

Water Reduction Programs

Manage & Reduce Waste Streams

Reduce Waste Through Recycling

Energy Audits to ID Opportunities

Use of Renewable Energy Sources

Our Carbon Footprint
We are dedicated to reducing our emissions and conserving energy, as exemplified by our GHG emissions target—a 50% absolute reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Our manufacturing processes primarily involve light manufacturing and assembly, with limited heavy manufacturing. Additionally, we predominantly utilize commercial shipping services rather than maintaining a fleet of company-owned vehicles for product distribution. Given our global customer base and the nature of our products, which often entail small shipping volumes, our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions remain relatively low. The majority of our GHG emissions result from electricity consumption and the combustion of natural gas. We continue to refine our approach and make corrections as needed to ensure consistency and accuracy across our metrics. For more information and details please download our stakeholder report.
Our Energy & Water Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Energy (MJ) GHG (t CO2e) Energy (MWh) GHG (t CO2e) Usage (thousand gallons)
FY2024 892,821,589 44,947 276,783 87,920 137,791
t CO2e t CO2e t CO2e
FY2024 51,376 87,920 139,296
FY2024 Scope 1 Emissions
FY2024 Scope 2 Emissions

Emissions from
TransDigm Base Year
(FY 2019) Operations

Emissions from
FY 2020-FY 2024

Download our Stakeholder Report to learn more